
LA Hacks 2024

LaHacks 2024 event information

April 14, 2024

UCLA Pauley Pavillion, California


Sunday, April 14

11:00 PDT

FetchAI Introduction workshop

Virtual Discord


Fetch.ai’s vision is to create a marketplace of dynamic applications. We are empowering developers to build on our platform that can connect services and APIs without any domain knowledge.

Our infrastructure enables ‘search and discovery’ and ‘dynamic connectivity’. It offers an open, modular, UI agnostic, self-assembling of services.

Our technology is built on four key components:

Agents - AI Agents are independent decision-makers that connect to the network and other agents. These agents can represent data, APIs, services, ML models and people.

Agentverse - serves as a development and hosting platform for these agents.

AI Engine – enables humans to interact with the dynamic agent marketplace using natural language to execute the objective.

Fetch Network - underpins the entire system, ensuring smooth operation and integration.

Challenge statement

APIs, AI & ML Models, Databases and code is more often than not siloed. It works but only in the environment its defined to - which is a big problem! With Fetch.ai you can connect this siloed infrastructure to the world of agents and then make them universally accessible. By using AI Engine to chain these agents together you can create new data pipelines, businesses and AI driven opportunities. One agent might be serving predictions from a model from HuggingFace and this can be feeding an inference agent that is running on your local machine. We're introducing our Agent technology, the uAgent library and the Agentverse platform to enable you to create the software of the future, without being held back by legacy software design. What agents are you going to build? 🤔

Fetch.ai tech stack


Quick start example

This file can be run on any platform supporting Python, with the necessary install permissions. This example shows two agents communicating with each other using the uAgent python library.
Read the guide for this code here ↗

from uagents import Agent, Bureau, Context, Model
    class Message(Model):
        message: str
    sigmar = Agent(name="sigmar", seed="sigmar recovery phrase")
    slaanesh = Agent(name="slaanesh", seed="slaanesh recovery phrase")
    async def send_message(ctx: Context):
       await ctx.send(slaanesh.address, Message(message="hello there slaanesh"))
    async def sigmar_message_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: Message):
        ctx.logger.info(f"Received message from {sender}: {msg.message}")
    async def slaanesh_message_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: Message):
        ctx.logger.info(f"Received message from {sender}: {msg.message}")
        await ctx.send(sigmar.address, Message(message="hello there sigmar"))
    bureau = Bureau()
    if __name__ == "__main__":
Video introduction
Video 1
Walk through
Video 2
Intoduction to agents
Video 3
On Interval
Video 4
On Event
Video 5
Agent Messages

Judging Criteria

Each row is scored 1 to 5, with a total score being your final score.
How technically sound the use of technology is?
Best case as per the Success Tree
Engagement/ Direction
How engaging the project is for community?
Use-case solving a real life problem
How well the project takes use of technology? Could there have been more efficient ways of doing the same solution?
Chaining of tasks
Is the project practical from business point of view?
Implementing the travel use-case for car-hire where everything is done by simple message
Is there a demand for this solution in the chosen market?
A solution for recruitment which would connect to linkedin for professional profile
How impactful the project is? Both options to be evaluated ( large number of people with low impact or small amount of people with profound impact)
Flights booking through multi-agent system with cost effective solution. This will impact large amount of people






Support will be available at the hackathon, and you can also reach out to the core dev team who will be able to support you via Discord ↗


Profile picture of Edward FitzGerald

Edward FitzGerald


Profile picture of Humayun Sheikh

Humayun Sheikh


Profile picture of Attila Bagoly

Attila Bagoly

AI head

Profile picture of Zoltan Mezei

Zoltan Mezei

AI Engineer

Profile picture of Sana Wajid

Sana Wajid

Programme Director

Profile picture of Elliot Bertram

Elliot Bertram

Business Development


Profile picture of Sanket Kulkarni

Sanket Kulkarni


Profile picture of Natesh Reddy

Natesh Reddy


Profile picture of Tanay Godse

Tanay Godse


Profile picture of Chinmay Nilesh

Chinmay Nilesh


Ready to get started with Fetch.ai Platform?